Monday, February 26, 2007

Maniac Madness

I had a lot of fun this weekend. Got to see a lot of scrappin' buddies that i haven't seen in a while. We always have so much fun when we get together. And of course the tradition continued... Mexican food and margarita's!
I didn't get too many pages done, only 5, but i did a lot of laughing! That counts right?
Here are the 2 i can show you, 2 others are for contests so i can't upload them quite yet.
This one is my favorite! It's my Christmas Cutie!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

There's nothing like a good mani and pedi

My finger and toe nails are bright BLUE! i wanted something fun for this weekend's crop. Now blue toenails are pretty common for ol' Joy, but i'm usually more conservative on my fingernails, but i thought what the heck?! Percentage Steven will like it...2.
Nothing else exciting is going on, just watching Idol. The guys were TERRIBLE last night! Were their grandmothers picking their songs or what? The girls are doing considerably better so far.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Did you have a good Valentine's Day?

We just stayed at home and got Ruby Tuesday's to go. It was nice.
Here are some layouts i did recently.
I did this one for the design team call for Fancy Pants, but didn't make it. :(

These are pictures of last Halloween. Do they say "i hate you" or what? LOL

Monday, February 12, 2007

Monday's are a drag

Eh, it wasn't that bad. :) I did do something pretty cool today, i entered the FUNK IT UP contest on There are like a million people in the contest and their work is pretty good. I don't know how long i'll last, but it's worth a shot right? At least i'll get some pages done. I've never done anything like this before.

Here is a pic of my kitties. This is what we did on Halloween - snuggle up in the bed while Steven was out playing pool. No dressing up this year. You can't see Primo very well, his head is out of the frame. Mia is the gray & white one, Sweet P is the black & white one and Max is the orange & white one. I love my puddytats.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Here i am...

in the blogging world, who'd thunk it?
Aren't we cute? I know our heads are half cut-off, but i think that's why i like it. There's another picture where you can see all of us and i don't like it as much. That's us on our 4th wedding anniversary back in December. This April will be 11 years that we've been together. Wow! It's hard to believe.
me and my hubby